2022 vége, a ChatGPT első kiadása óta gyakorlatilag minden az MI-ről, annak térhódításáról veszélyeiről, vagy éppen társadalmi következményeiről szól. Ezek különböző reakciókat váltanak ki az emberekből: valaki lehetőséget lát benne, valaki a munkaerőpiac változásait próbálja megjósolni, és feltérképezni, hogy milyen szakmák jöhetnek létre, és melyek azok, amelyeket ki fognak váltani a különböző mesterséges intelligencia megoldások, és vannak, akik szimplán megijednek, nehogy az ő munkájuk váljon feleslegessé a jövőben.
Christmas is just around the corner, and I wanted to show you something that is a specialty on this blog: contributing to open-source projects and, this case, to the official ASP.NET Core repository. As I had recognized, this is really popular around the holidays (by looking at the issue comments and commits of open-source libraries), as probably most people have some free time from work to do something for the greater good. Based on this article, this is indeed a real thing.
Imagine that you’re a software development company that started to work with British and North American companies a long time ago, preferring AWS as their cloud provider. So, you have already picked up a significant amount of knowledge and experience about AWS. Then, some of your clients’ recent developments required some Azure and Microsoft API-related knowledge as well to achieve their goals. Let’s review our two recent case studies where having a partner experienced in Azure turned out to be beneficial and efficient for our client.
Manapság a vállalati rendszerek felhőbe költöztetése mellett számos érv szól – ezek a teljesség igénye nélkül a költségoptimalizálás, megbízhatóság, üzemeltetés idejének redukálása vagy akár eliminálása, biztonság, skálázhatóság és a rendelkezésre állás. Bár a felhőszolgáltatások előnyeiről regényeket lehetne írni, ebben a cikkben az utóbbi hármat vizsgáljuk meg egy kicsit közelebbről.
Serverless was at its 2nd major version when we were building the project and their slogan was that you can easily deploy your application with the framework to most cloud platforms – including AWS, Azure and GCP.
On one of our recent projects, we needed to implement an application with CRUD operations and some relateively simple integration by pushing content to two different systems, and monitor if they have been processed or not. We opted the Amazon Lambda route with Amazon DocumentDb, and the goal of this blog post is to summarize the developer experience that we faced during development of the project and comparing them to Azure Functions. As .NET developers, we faced that the developer experience is significantly better using the matching Azure technologies, and running an Amazon Lambda function locally might also have a steep learning curve for some people who are not familiar with Docker and containerization.
IT outsourcing is very popular nowadays due to the fact that it has a lot of pros from a business perspective. There are a couple of blog posts written on this topic. You can take a look at one of them here. This post is about showing what makes an outsourcing partnership tempting for a developer – and at the end of the day, it is a win-win situation when both you and your developers are happy.
Agile software development is pretty popular nowadays, but it can be frustrating for people in various roles working on the project. Here are a couple of notes on the experience that we faced on recent projects.