Why Engage an IT Consultant Before Making Significant IT Investments?

The role of an IT consultant

If you always wonder whether it is worth having a discussion with an IT consultant before your big development projects, here we are highlighting the importance of it. But first, a quick refresher, what on earth is an IT consultant?

An IT consultant is a professional who provides expert advice and guidance on various aspects of information technology to a wide range of businesses. They possess extensive knowledge and experience in the IT field. They can offer insights, strategies, and recommendations to help organizations optimize their IT systems, solve technological challenges, and achieve their objectives.

IT consultants assess existing IT infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and develop tailored solutions to meet specific needs. They may assist with IT strategy development, project management, system implementation, software selection, cybersecurity, data management, cloud computing, and overall technology planning.


IT consultant expertise

Hiring an IT consultant can be the difference between making a big mistake and getting what you need. It sounds like an exaggeration,  but it's true. Knowing what's suitable for your company can be difficult before you've done your homework, and sometimes the most extensive research makes you even more confused.  Speaking with someone who knows the industry and has seen a lot can help you overcome indecision. I'm sure you don't want to spend money on something that doesn't work for your business, and if you're not sure how things will play out in the long run, it's hard to commit yourself financially.

IT consultants have specialized knowledge and experience in specific areas of technology. They can help your company implement new systems and processes, troubleshoot issues, ensure that all devices are up-to-date on security patches, or keep track of upgrades, so they stay caught up. They also know which vendors provide quality services at competitive prices and wouldn't meet our approval standards.


Have you ever been in a situation where you were diving deep into a project, got heavily involved, and couldn't step back and see your work from a distance anymore?

An impartial opinion from an independent contractor can help. An IT consultant is not emotionally attached to your business and can provide an objective perspective on your technology needs. For example, let's say you are considering investing in new solutions; you're might be finding a to make it happen but want to double check with an IT consultant. After a thorough survey, your consultant may suggest a different solution to what you have in mind before.

IT consultants will see your business issues and opportunities from a distance. This objectivity will give you future-proof solutions that will help avoid negative impacts.

IT consultant helps with scaling


A consultant will help you scale your IT investment.

Every company is different, and each business needs a unique technological solution to suit its specific needs. A consultant can help design a solution that will give you the most efficiency for your business today and in the future. They can also advise on scaling your resources as the company grows or changes over time.

Finally, consultants are experts in many areas of IT, so by working with one before investing in an IT system or program, you can ensure that it meets all your requirements now and in years ahead!

Access to specialized resources

Hiring an IT consultant can help you find the right resources to do the job.

Finding the right resources takes time and effort that could be used more productively elsewhere in your business. Using a consultant for this task will save you valuable time and money! By hiring a consultant to help you with these tasks, you won't have to spend time doing them yourself.

IT consultants can give advice on the latest techn

Stay current with new technology

Who knows what the next big thing in technology will be? An IT consultant can help you keeping up with new developments and ensure you use the best technology for your business.

An IT consultant usually invests in keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in the field so that they can bring new ideas and solutions to your company. You may have heard about hyped-up solutions, but are they really the best for your unique case? Are they providing a long-term solution for you? Or you may insist on old technology, but you have much better options. Only an expert can tell.


Compliance refers to adhering to the relevant regulations and standards. IT consultants stay up to date with the latest regulatory frameworks and compliance standards pertinent to the IT industry. They have a deep understanding of various regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and more. Their expertise allows them to interpret and apply these regulations effectively to ensure compliance.

Compliance often goes hand in hand with security. IT consultants can assess your IT security infrastructure and identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could pose compliance risks. They can guide on implementing appropriate security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption methods, and employee awareness training, to protect sensitive data and achieve compliance goals.

By leveraging the expertise of an IT consultant, you can navigate complex compliance landscapes, implement appropriate controls, and maintain a strong compliance posture.

Example of working with an IT consultant

Real life example

Theoretically, all above these sounds excellent, but do they work in real life? Fortunately, in ALLWIN's history, there have been a lot of great successes where our Consultant Team helped our clients make the most challenging decisions easier with their expertise and knowledge.

But let us bring you an example from the everyday reality. One of our clients had a specific project in mind. But before they started, our consultants recognized the need for a comprehensive review of the client's entire business. In doing so, we wanted to ensure any proposed solution would effectively meet the client's needs. Instead of rolling out development based on their initial spec, we proposed conducting our review. With a broader picture of the problem, we identified missing or underlying needs while hastening the speed and scale of their growth. One happy client after an in-depth consultation. (If you're interested in more detail, read our case study.

Our thoughts

As you can see, hiring a consultant is more than just hiring someone to complete an IT project. It's about getting advice and recommendations on how to best proceed with your project and having someone who can guide you through the process from start to finish. Consultants offer valuable expertise in their fields, which means they can provide objective recommendations.

Hiring a consultant can save you a lot of time, money and the future of your business.